
This section provides orientation on using the Workflow module for managing events. The following topics concern operations common to all event types.

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Calculating the USR

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Viewing Events -> How to View an Event

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Editing Events

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Event Associations with Objects

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Associating and Disassociating Events

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Closing Events

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Cancelling Events

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Reopening Events

    Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Deleting Events


Users can create generic and custom events directly in the Workflow module or through a spreadsheet:

    To create generic or custom events, see Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Creating Generic and Custom Events.

    To create or edit events through a spreadsheet, see Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Exporting and Importing Events.


Events created within projects are managed in the Workflow module:

    To create events to monitor the implementation of controls, see Chapter 5: Risk -> Risk Management Projects -> Risk: The Evaluation Phase -> How to Send a Non-Implemented Control to Treatment.

    To create events to monitor the resolution of vulnerabilities, see Chapter 5: Risk -> Risk Management Projects -> Risk: The Evaluation Phase -> How to Send a Vulnerability to Treatment.

    To create events to treat non-compliances, see Chapter 6: Compliance -> Compliance Projects -> Compliance: The Evaluation Phase -> How to Send Non-Compliances to Treatment.


Events can be created through the ERM solution and the Continuity module, when enabled:

    To create an event associated with an enterprise risk in the ERM solution, see Chapter 4: ERM -> Risk Register -> Manage Enterprise Risks -> How to Create an Event with an Associated Enterprise Risk.

    To create an event associated with a plan in the Continuity module, see Chapter 11: Continuity -> Plans -> Manage Plans -> How to Create an Event with an Associated Plan.