Exporting and Importing Events

This topic explains how to export and import events through a specially formatted Excel spreadsheet, allowing events to be created and edited offline.

You can export the template for this spreadsheet by selecting Export Template under the Spreadsheet option in the main list of events, or export previously registered events through the Export Events option. Once finished creating and editing the events, you can then import the spreadsheet to save your changes in the system.

Generic and custom events can be created through the spreadsheet (but not treatment events), although open events of any type can be edited through it. Events cannot be deleted through the spreadsheet.

By default, any workflow rules that should be executed when an event is created or edited will not work when importing events through the spreadsheet. To execute them, the option to execute workflow rules when importing the spreadsheet must be enabled in the Import Events section of this module.

Also note that the e-mail notification feature only works for events created or edited through the interface and does not apply to events registered or edited through the spreadsheet. Therefore, e-mail notifications will not be sent when importing the spreadsheet. 

Likewise, the e-mail notification feature is disabled for events created through the spreadsheet. To send e-mail notifications, you must enable this option on the Properties tab of the event, after it is imported into the system.

For details on creating and editing events through a spreadsheet, see Chapter 10: Workflow -> Events -> Exporting and Importing Events -> How to Create and Edit Events through a Spreadsheet.