This topic explains how to manage the objects associated with events in the Workflow module. These associations represent which objects from the organization have some kind of connection with the events, and can be viewed through the Associations tab of each event. It is important to note that the objects displayed in this list vary according to the type of the event selected.
• Generic/Custom: Events of this type can be associated with assets and business components.
• Treatment of Non-Implemented Controls: Events of this type can be associated with assets, business components, and controls. These controls, as well as the assets and business components directly or indirectly related to them, are automatically associated when the events are created.
• Treatment of Vulnerabilities: Events of this type can be associated with assets, business components, and vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities, as well as the assets and business components directly or indirectly related to them, are automatically associated when the events are created.
• Treatment of Non-Compliances: This type of event can be associated with assets, business components, and requirements. These requirements, as well as the assets and business components directly or indirectly related to them, are automatically associated when the events are created.
Note: If the Continuity module and the ERM solution (provided on demand) are installed, plans and enterprise risks can also be associated with certain event types. For details, see Chapter 11: Continuity -> Plans -> Manage Plans -> How to Create an Event with an Associated Plan and Chapter 4: ERM -> How to Create an Event with an Associated Enterprise Risk.