Workflow (iOS)

The Workflow app is a solution to provide managers with a way to create and continuously monitor events in the Workflow module from the system using a mobile device, even if they do not have immediate access to the main application.

Existing events can be listed and ordered by USR or by date updated, and can be filtered by type, status, associated assets, or title. Once an event is selected, its properties and attributes, history, attachments, and associations with assets and child events can be viewed, and the event can be closed, cancelled, or reopened. In addition, through this app you can edit the event title, description, urgency, severity and relevance scores, as well as attach files to it. Note that only Text, Number, List of Options, and Paragraph attributes can be edited, and they can only be edited through the Details tab.

The Workflow app runs normally on devices running iOS 7.0 through 8.1, including the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Higher versions may be compatible but have not been tested. The app is also compatible with the iPad. In addition, the Workflow app will only run correctly in HTTPS if a valid digital certificate is installed in the IIS server. Self-signed certificates will not suffice in this case.

To use this app, an existing installation of Modulo Risk Manager is required. Note that the Workflow app must be registered in the Authorized Applications section of the Administration module so that events can be listed and created.

The data can be locally encrypted in devices running the iOS operating system. The access tokens and user data are stored in the KeychainThe files and databases are stored with a protection key, which is NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication for iOS 5.0 and later. However, this encryption only works if the devices are password-protected.

Also note that the Workflow app can only be downloaded through the App Store or through iTunes. However, if iTunes is used to download an application, it must be synchronized with the mobile device for the application to be installed. Keep in mind that you must have or create an Apple ID to download the application.