How to Configure the Workflow App (iOS) to Access the System

This topic provides orientation on how to configure the Workflow app in your device in order to access the system so that you can view and manage events. Keep in mind that you must be connected to the internet to access some of the app features, such as create, update, and attach files to events, and view the map with event locations.


1.    On your device, after downloading the application, tap Settings to configure the application’s access to the system.

2.    Select Workflow to access the settings for the app (see figure below).




The device displays a screen with the configurations available for the app.


3.    In the Risk Manager section, in the URL field, enter the main URL used to access Modulo Risk Manager through your browser, as well as the specification at the end that it will be accessed through a mobile device (for example:

4.    In the Identifier field, enter the identifier displayed when the application was registered in the Administration module.

5.    In the Client Secret field, enter the secret key displayed when the application was registered in the Administration module.

6.    In the API section, in the URL field, enter the link for the Workflow API. For example,

7.    In the Visible tabs section, select which tabs will be displayed for each event. Note that the Description tab will remain visible even if you choose to hide all tabs.


Note: The app can also be configured automatically by using a link created by the system administrator. This link should be in the following format: identification of the application to be used, colon, two slashes, config?, and the address used to access the system. In addition, the identifier, secret key, and the address for the Workflow API must be provided, with each of these details separated by an "&". For example:


Access this link from the iPad/iPhone for the configurations above to be entered automatically.

To select which tabs will be displayed in the app, enter "&hidden_tabs=" at the end of the link, followed by the names of the tabs to be hidden and separated by a comma. For example:
