How to Associate and Remove Assets from an Event through the Workflow App (iOS)

This topic explains how to associate assets with an event and how to remove assets from an event through the Workflow app. Note that you must have permission to edit events in the system to be able to perform these operations through the app.


1.    Tap Events and then select the event to which you want to associate an asset.

2.    Tap the Associations tab.


The app displays the assets associated with the event selected (see figure below).




3.    To associate an asset with the event, tap Add.

4.    In the pop-up window that appears, select an asset and tap Save (see figure below). If you want to quit the operation, tap Cancel. Note that you can also filter the list of assets by entering the name of the asset in the search box and tapping Search.




5.    If you want to remove an asset from the list of associated assets, tap Remove in the upper right corner of the Associations tab.


The app displays a red button next to the assets associated with the event (see figure below).




6.    Tap the red button next to the asset you want to remove and tap Remove (see figure below).




7.    Once finished, tap Done in the upper right corner.