Intelligence Solution Reports

This topic provides orientation on how to create, edit, copy, and delete custom reports in the Intelligence solution. It also explains how to define the audience of these reports and manage their perspectives.

Note that some settings in the Administration module must be defined before intelligence reports can be created and viewed. This includes configuring access to SharePoint and Microsoft Analysis Services, as well as creating an integration task to extract and process data from the system's databases. For details, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Settings -> Intelligence Solution and Chapter 17: Administration -> Integrations -> Integration Tasks -> Creating a Task to Extract and Process Intelligence Data.

Modulo provides a number of reports with the installation of the solution, which are uploaded to the system by the Support team as soon as they are created or updated. Default reports cannot be edited directly and a specific privilege must be granted so that they can be deleted.

In addition, custom reports can be created by users. These reports can have their properties defined and edited directly. However, only the author of the report will have full permission to access, edit, and delete it.

People and groups can be included in the audience of each report, which will allow them to access it through the Intelligence Reports section of the Home module or in this solution, if they have permission to the page.

Both default and custom reports can be copied so that similar reports do not have to be created from scratch. This also allows default reports to be edited indirectly through their copies. Any user with permission to view and manage intelligence reports can copy default reports. Authors and audience members of custom reports with permission to manage intelligence reports can copy the custom reports to which they have access.

Each report uses a perspective to limit its scope. This perspective defines which tables and fields will be accessible in the report. Some perspectives are pre-configured and provided with the system installation, while others can be created in Microsoft Analysis Services by contacting your account manager. For details on managing perspectives, see Chapter 16: Intelligence -> Intelligence Solution Reports -> How to Synchronize Perspectives and Select their Audiences.

An audience can be selected for each perspective to define which people and groups will be able to select it when creating reports. However, users with the privilege to access perspectives may use any available perspective, regardless of whether they are members of its audience. By default, this privilege is granted to all users of this solution.

Note that, to view a report, you only have to be a member of the report's audience. This is enough for you to have the same view as the author, regardless of whether you are in the audience of the perspective used.

When copying a report that uses a perspective to which you do not have access, a new perspective must be selected for the report to be available. In addition, if the author of a report loses permission to the perspective used in it, the report will become unavailable to them and any of its audience members until another perspective is selected.

Note that reports created prior to version 9.2 of Modulo Risk Manager automatically use the global perspective, which grants access to all tables and fields in the data model. However, the perspective used in these reports can be changed by the report author.