Common Features in the Map for the Integration Module and the Dispatch and Events Solutions

This section provides orientation on the menu located on the right side of the main screen of the map available throughout the Integration module and the Dispatch and Events solutions. For organizational purposes, the documentation on the features common to them is organized under this topic, instead of in each respective solution or module.

The common features include selecting the map type and the layers to be displayed on the map; locating an address; listening to recordings of calls that have gone through a telecommunications network integrated with the system (on-demand integration); accessing the chat feature (on-demand); sending SMS messages (on-demand integration); drawing and managing shapes to be shown on the map; and accessing any other available windows. More information on each feature will be provided in the following topics.

In most system installations, certain layers (sets of information that can be plotted on the map) are provided by default with the Integration module and the Dispatch and Events solutions. However, other layers containing query results or additional maps can also be configured for use in the map. Only layers based on queries of which you are the author, editor or a member of the audience will be available. For more information on layers, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map.

Lastly, note that the features to play call recordings, view live or recorded video feeds, and send SMS messages will only be available if you have the appropriate permissions and after the features are enabled in the web.config file for the application.