Layers for the Integration Map

This section explains how to configure layers to be used in the maps for the Integration module and the Events and Dispatch solutions. A layer can be a set of points generated by the results of a query with georeferenced results registered in the system or a map to be displayed superimposed on the main map. This feature allows data from multiple sources to be monitored collectively and also allows additional geographic information to be included on the map.

Note that, in most installations, pre-configured layers containing lists of scheduled events from the Events solution are provided by default. This type of layer accesses the Events solution directly via an API and is configured by Modulo. However, it is also possible to create layers based on queries to scheduled events and activities.

All layers are configured in the "\App_Data\MapQueriesConfig.xml" file, located in the CCM folder for the system. This file can be edited directly in the folder, or exported for editing and imported through the system interface. For details, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map -> How to Export and Import Layers.

Queries from the Organization, Workflow and Integration modules and the Events and Dispatch solutions written to georeferenced objects and queries from other modules and solutions that include objects with Georeference attributes can be used to generate layers. Maps that support KML, WMS, or tile servers can also be added as layers.

Once registered in the XML file, layers are available in the side menu on the map. Each layer can then be enabled or disabled for display individually, so that users can choose to view specific information separately or simultaneously. When a layer is enabled, the georeferenced objects it contains will be plotted on the map. The information on these objects is updated automatically, according to the frequency defined in the XML file. Keep in mind that you will only be able to view layers based on queries of which you are author or an audience member.

Before a layer containing query results can be created, an icon must be configured for it in the XML file. Next, in the same file, the template for the pop-up displayed when the objects in the layer are clicked must also be defined. For details, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map -> How to Configure an Icon for a Layer and How to Configure a Pop-Up Template for a Layer. For map layers, only the icon configurations are required before a query layer can be generated.

The layers created can be organized into categories and subcategories, with each category containing up to nine levels of subcategories, which are used to group related layers in the Layers window on the map. These are also created in the XML file. For details, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map -> How to Create Layer Categories.

In the XML file, a main <Layers> group must be created (if not already available) to contain all of the configurations for icons, templates, layers, and categories. If more than one <Layers> group is included, the system will not be able to read the file and no layers will be available on the map. Similarly, within the <Layers> group, the <Icons> group must contain all icon configurations, and the <Templates> group must contain all template configurations. The layers themselves must be entered in <LayerGroup> groups, each of which constitutes a category to be displayed in the Layers menu on the map, with subcategories registered by entering additional <LayerGroup> groups within a main one. For an example of this structure, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map -> Example of Completed Layer Configuration.