Report Designer – User Manual

This document provides in-depth information on Report Designer, a program provided by Modulo used to customize templates for various types of reports generated in the system.

For a quick guide to this program where you can learn the basics and find out how to install the program, see Report Designer – Quick Guide. For details on the types of reports provided by Modulo, how to export templates, import them once customized, test them, and finally enable them for use, see Modulo Risk Manager User Manual -> Chapter 3: Organization -> Organizational Reports, Chapter 5: Risk -> Risk Reports, and Chapter 6: Compliance -> Compliance Reports.

This program offers a wide variety of editing features, most of which are easy to use and common to other applications. There are, however, also some more advanced features that are more complex to use, which will be discussed here.

Inadequate use of this editor may introduce errors to the template you are editing, which may in turn prevent it from being imported and used correctly in the system. For these reasons, it’s important to become familiar with the program and also test the templates before enabling them for use in the system. To test a customized template, you can import it in the Manage Templates section of the Organization, Risk or Compliance module and, before enabling it for use, you can generate a report using that template. Once verified, you can enable it for use or continue editing. In the event that there are problems with the customized templates, you can continue using those provided by Modulo, which cannot be edited directly and will remain functional.


Note: Report Designer uses components provided by Developer Express Inc. For complete technical documentation on it, visit: