Objects and Attributes

This section provides orientation on managing objects and their attributes, available through the Administration module.

Objects are used to register items in the system. Some objects are provided by default with the system and with the installation of on-demand solutions. These default objects cannot be edited or deleted. Custom objects can be created and managed in this section, but will only available for use through the API and in custom modules. For details, see the API Documentation and Chapter 18: Custom Modules -> Custom Object Sections.

Attributes are additional fields that can be created for all objects. For objects that support multiple types (such as assets, which can be Person, Process, Technology, etc.), the attributes created can be applied to all types or to specific types. For example, if an organization's technology assets are identified by a serial number, a "Serial Number" attribute can be created and published so that these serial numbers can be provided in the Attributes tab of each technology asset in the Organization module.

Once available, attributes can be used in queries as column options or filters, as conditions in workflow rules, and in object rules for generic surveys. However, it is important to note that, while attributes are created in this section, their values can only be entered or edited inside the respective objects.

While custom objects support all types of attributes, the attribute types that can be created for default objects vary according to each object. For example, Image attributes can be created for assets, but not for plans from the Continuity module. For details on which types of attributes can be created for each object, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Objects and Attributes -> How to Create an Attribute for an Object (Except Events) and How to Create an Event Attribute. Note that this documentation deals with event attributes separately from attributes for other objects in the system, as these differ in some aspects.

The total number of attributes that can be created for an object (except events) is limited to 500. Each attribute, on the other hand, can be applied to any number of object types. For event attributes, a maximum of 100 attributes can be created per event type and an additional 100 attributes applied to all event types. This way, an event type can have up to 200 attributes: 100 attributes created specifically for the event type and an additional 100 applied to all event types.

As the system’s database structure is complex, some portions of this database must be remodeled when an object or attribute is published. To ensure that any data in use is not corrupted when these objects or attributes are published, the system lets you choose the best time to publish them, ideally during off-peak hours. Once published, the new objects and attributes will be available for use through the API and in the system. Similarly, deletions must also be scheduled. Objects and their attributes can be marked for deletion at any time, but are only actually deleted when a task is scheduled. Note that attributes created for events are made available or deleted immediately, without requiring scheduling.