Manage Dispatches

This section provides orientation on managing occurrences, dispatch requests, service units and dispatches in the Manage Dispatches section.

A call becomes an occurrence after a dispatch is requested in the Manage Calls section, with the number of dispatch requests for a single occurrence being equal to the number of groups selected. This allows an occurrence to contain multiple requests (one per group), being necessary to complete all requests for the occurrence to be completed. However, the system can be configured so you can select only one dispatch group per call, making dispatch requests and occurrences the same.

After an operator registers an occurrence, the dispatch requests sent to each group are displayed in this section, where the list of requests can be filtered by status or by fields. Through the request tab, users are able to manage dispatch requests and take the appropriate actions until their completion, such as transfer, edit and complete requests. Should an occurrence require on-site assistance from one or more service units, dispatchers may dispatch the appropriate service units to the location of the occurrence.

This section also includes a list where you can directly manage the units dispatched to the location of the occurrence. Each service unit associated with a request generates a dispatch that is managed and updated through field events.

Both request and unit tabs can be enlarged and opened in different windows, allowing a full view of the map, as well as more requests and service units. Note that occurrences, dispatch requests and dispatches are treated as different objects in the system, each with specific status. The applicable status for each type of object are described in the table below.





Completed without Assistance

When Generate Protocol is clicked in the call creation form.


Being Registered

When Generate Occurrence is clicked in the call creation form, before a dispatch request is sent to a group.


With Dispatcher

When a dispatch request is sent to a group. At least one dispatch request must be open for this status to be displayed.


Completed without Assistance

When an occurrence is completed without any completed dispatches.


Completed with Assistance

When an occurrence is completed with at least one dispatch completed with assistance.

Dispatch Request


When no units are associated or when the last service unit is disassociated through the "Removed" field event. This field event does not change the status of the request when more than one service unit is associated.



When a service unit is associated with a dispatch request or when the "Accepted" field event is added to an associated unit.


With Unit on Site

When one of the following field events is added to an associated service unit: "Arrived at the Occurrence Location", "Arrived at the Intermediate Location", "Arrived at the Police Station", "Started Displacement to the Intermediate Location", "Started Displacement to the Police Station".




When the "Completed Assistance" field event is added to the last associated service unit. This field event does not change the dispatch request status when more than one service unit is associated.


Completed without Assistance

When a dispatch request is completed, without any completed dispatches. This status is only displayed in the occurrence report.


Completed with Assistance

When a dispatch request is completed, with at least one dispatch completed with assistance (through the "Completed Assistance" field event). This status is only displayed in the occurrence report.

Service Unit


When people are assigned to a service unit; when the unit is disassociated from a dispatch request through the "Removed" or "Completed Assistance" field events; or by ending its temporary removal.


Temporarily Removed

When a service unit is temporarily removed. 


Out of Service

When a new service unit is registered in the system or when its assignment is removed.



When a service unit is associated with a dispatch request.


Additional features that are common to this section and the Manage Calls and Monitoring sections are also available. These features include viewing and sending observations with information on calls and occurrences, viewing reports, and associating calls and occurrences. For organizational purposes, the documentation on these common features is grouped under a separate topic. For more information, see Chapter 13: Dispatch -> Common Features in the Map for the Dispatch Solution.

Keep in mind that calls without a dispatch request can only be managed in the Manage Calls section. For more information see Chapter 13: Dispatch -> Manage Calls.