
This section provides orientation on how to answer and review interviews through the Interviews section of the Home module, where any generic, risk, and compliance interviews you were assigned to answer or review will be displayed.

Interviews can be answered online or offline through an Excel spreadsheet. They can be accessed from virtually any device or browser, and the layout will adapt according to whichever is being used.

Once you have finished answering or reviewing an interview, you may choose to download or receive by email a document with proof of completion of the interview or review, as well as a list of the answers provided. The first document shows the name of the interview, that of the interviewee/reviewer, and the submission date. The second lists the final answers to the questions in the interview, any evidence attached to them, their comments, and the reviewer’s notes. Both indicate the project and questionnaire from which the interview originated, including the asset to which it applies.

IMPORTANT! These documents will only be available if the option to enable them was selected in the Projects section of the Administration module. For details, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Projects -> How to Customize Default Interview and Project Settings.

For more information on sending and receiving interviews, please see the links below.

    Chapter 3: Organization -> Organizational Projects -> How to Manage Organizational Project Interviews.

    Chapter 5: Risk -> Risk Management Projects -> Risk: The Analysis Phase -> Overview of Interviews and Overview of Reviews.

Chapter 6: Compliance -> Compliance Projects -> Compliance: The Analysis Phase -> Overview of Compliance Interviews and Overview of Compliance Reviews.