Chart Gallery

This section explains how to manage charts, available through the Dashboard module.

This Chart Gallery is where you can create a wide variety of charts in a number of formats to show default risk, compliance, and event indicators, as well as create customized charts with data generated from other data sources. A wizard is available to guide you through the process (whose steps include selecting indicators, dimensions, the type of chart, and filters, as well as previewing the chart and specifying its audience).

In addition to specifying the type of chart (pie, bar, area, line, etc.), for certain charts you can also decide how it will be displayed (2D or 3D). For details on the chart types available, see Chapter 9: Dashboard -> Chart Gallery -> Chart Types.

All charts are stored in the Chart Gallery section. There are various configuration options for each, which can be changed in real time (for example, enabling or disabling captions and labels), and chart data can also be exported to Microsoft Excel.