Chapter 14: Events

The Events solution is provided on demand and integrated with the system. In it, scheduled events of any size can be managed, including the resources they will use, the participants assigned to carry them out, and any activities associated with them.

Given the number of factors that may impact the successful execution of an event, an effective way of managing them becomes essential, both to reduce risks as well as to rapidly respond to incidents to which events are subject that may cause delays and hindrances. This solution helps managers to both plan and execute events, allowing them to quickly respond to unexpected changes that may have an impact.

The Events solution allows scheduled events to be registered and managed. An event is registered by providing data for its main properties and any custom attributes created in the Administration module. The start and end dates of the event and the participants involved in it are also specified, in addition to the location of the event and any street routes that will be used.

Once the event is registered, the associated activities necessary to carry out the event can be registered with their respective descriptions, locations, and routes, and any custom attributes created for them in the Administration module can be completed. Resources can then be assigned to the event, and later compared against the available resources registered in the Manage Resources section of this solution. These events, activities, and assigned resources can then be monitored through a calendar, allowing any scheduling conflicts to be identified, be it conflicting locations, participants, or assigned resources.

Queries to scheduled events and activities can be generated through a wizard, and the results can be viewed through tables. This allows data on these objects to be viewed collectively, according to the scope selected. These queries can be saved and later executed again so that the latest information will be available. Their results can be filtered and the columns to be displayed in the results can be selected. Any custom attributes created for scheduled events and activities in the Administration module will be available as filters and column options. In addition, event reports that display the most recent information on the organization can be created from scratch and may use both system queries from all modules and solutions, as well as SQL queries as data sources.

Events and activities can be monitored through a map and a timeline. The objects displayed on this map are organized into layers, each of which can be enabled and disabled individually so that users can choose which information they would like to view. In most system installations, scheduled events will already be available in layers provided by Modulo, which cannot be customized. When a scheduled event from these layers is clicked on the map, the activities associated with it will also appear, as well as any related routes.

It is also possible to create layers based on queries to scheduled events and activities. System queries from other modules and solutions can be configured as additional layers as well, allowing, for example, incidents from the Dispatch solution that may affect the progress of an event to be displayed so that managers can take preventive measures. For details on configuring layers, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map.

The Events solution is provided on demand, which can be purchased and used with other modules and solutions of Modulo Risk Manager. The browser recommended for this solution is Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 10 and 11. The recommended resolution is 1920x1080 PX, while the minimum resolution required is 1440x900 PX. The latest versions of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are also supported. In addition, because certain features in the Events solution require integrations with third-party software, full compatibility between these features and the browsers supported by the system is not guaranteed.