Monitoring Events and Activities

This topic explains how to monitor events and activities through the map and timeline.

On the Event and Activity Map, scheduled events and activities can be displayed using pre-configured layers for different time periods, provided by Modulo. In addition, custom layers can be created to display the results of system queries to georeferenced objects, or to display additional maps on top of the main map. These layers are configured in an XML file provided with the installation folder for the system. For details on how to configure these layers, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map. Note that event layers provided by Modulo cannot be customized.

The map also includes features that are specific to this solution, which allow you to view alerts on upcoming activities and run simulations to view a list of activities that may be affected by concurrent and nearby incidents. Additional features that are common to the maps for the Integration and Dispatch solutions are also available for use in this solution, such as features to draw shapes on the map and play call recordings. For details, see Chapter 15: Integration -> Common Features in the Map for the Integration Module and the Dispatch and Events Solutions.

 In the Timeline section, scheduled events and activities registered in the system can be viewed on a calendar, providing managers with a real-time view of what is taking place. In addition, alerts on upcoming activities can also be viewed with information on each registered activity.