Scheduled Event Reports

This section provides orientation on how to create and generate reports, as well as how to schedule them to be generated and sent via e-mail.

Reports are created from scratch and may use both queries from the Organization, Risk, and Workflow modules, as well as SQL queries, as data sources. These blank templates can then be exported for editing, allowing the report to be assembled using data from these queries. Through Report Designer, a report editor provided by Modulo, reports can be edited to customize logos, cover pages, sections, charts, and tables. For example, you can design your own report with a layout that includes the colors of your organization, a custom introduction for each section of the report, and tables that display information on both events and activities. These can then be imported back to the system and enabled for use. Filters can be set for both system and SQL queries before generating the report. Note that only report templates of which you are the author, an editor or a part of the audience will be available to be generated and scheduled. Also note that you can only edit templates of which you are the author or to which you were assigned as editor.

If the author of a report template is deleted from the system, the report template will also be deleted if no audience members or editors are assigned. Otherwise, the template will not be deleted and the word "(deleted)" will be displayed next to the name of the author.

You can also schedule a report to be sent by specifying the recipients, the date on which they will begin to be sent, the frequency with which they will be sent, and the number of times. For example, if you want to receive a weekly report on the activities registered for a particular event, you can schedule a report that includes only the information you want. A daily time must be set in the Administration module for these reports to be sent. For details on how to set this time, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Scheduled Reports.