
This section provides orientation on viewing information on events and their associated activities and resources through a calendar.

When registering scheduled events, a start and expected end date and time must be provided for each event. For activities, an expected start date and time as well as a duration must be provided. Based on these dates and times, events and activities can be viewed on a calendar. Filters can be set to display only a specific event context, to display events only, activities only, or both.

Likewise, all assigned resources registered for use in scheduled events can be displayed on a calendar along with the available resources, allowing any scheduling conflicts to be listed. Note that, for conflicts to be displayed on the calendar, there must be available resources registered in the system so that their availability can be compared against that of the assigned resources.

Conflicts are identified when the quantity of an assigned resource is greater than the quantity of the corresponding available resource. When creating assigned resources, the same asset type as the corresponding available resource must be selected for conflicts to be identified correctly. For a better understanding, consider the scenario below:

An available resource named "Police Officers" is registered under the "Police Officer" asset type. A quantity of 10 is selected when creating this resource, indicating that there are 10 police officers available. Another asset type named "Policemen" is available, for which no available resources were registered. When an associated resource representing police officers is assigned to a scheduled event, the "Police Officers" asset type must be selected. Otherwise, if the "Policemen" asset type is chosen, the system will indicate a conflict because there are not enough resources (in this case, none) registered under that type.

For this reason, it is important to ensure that there are no redundant asset types in the system. For details on creating and managing asset types, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Object Types

In addition, the date and time indicating the period during which a resource will remain available (Start of Availability and End of Availability fields) must be coherent with the start and end dates and times of any scheduled event it is used in.

Calendars can be viewed in days, weeks, and months. Scheduling conflicts will be available in the calendar for resources, allowing managers to quickly view and resolve issues before they arise.