Chapter 13: Dispatch

The Dispatch solution is provided on demand and integrated with the system. Through it, you can manage and monitor calls, occurrences, dispatch requests, and more.

Calls are service requests from any agency that provides services requiring units to be dispatched, such as emergency services provided by agencies, like the police and the fire department.

The caller provides details on an incident by phone and an operator then registers this information in the system. If the call requires on-site assistance from service units, such as ambulances or police cars, the operator can forward the call to a dispatch group and request a dispatch.

Once a dispatch is requested, dispatchers receive the request and assess the need to dispatch the appropriate units. Dispatchers are responsible for managing dispatch requests and dispatches until the completion of the associated occurrence.

After completion, calls and occurrences remain available in the system for a certain number of days, before being archived, and can be viewed according to the permissions specified. In addition, a report can be generated for each call or occurrence, displaying information such as their properties and the chronology with registered activities, for audit purposes.

Calls and occurrences can be plotted on a map. To make map navigation easier, you can select a map type and filter the objects displayed according to the criteria selected. Layers can also be configured for display on the map, which may contain service units, additional geographic information, or points of interest such as hospitals and airports, for example. For details, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map. Additional features that are common to the maps for the Integration and Events solutions are also available for use in this solution. For details, see Chapter 15: Integration -> Common Features in the Map for the Integration Module and the Dispatch and Events Solutions.   

The Dispatch solution is provided on demand, which can be purchased and used with other modules and solutions of Modulo Risk Manager. The browser recommended for this solution is Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 10 and 11. The recommended resolution is 1920x1080 PX, while the minimum resolution required is 1440x900 PX. The latest versions of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are also supported. In addition, because certain features in the Dispatch solution require integrations with third-party software, full compatibility between these features and the browsers supported by the system is not guaranteed.