Call Queries

This section provides orientation on queries of the Dispatch solution.

Call queries are search features that allow you to look up information on calls registered in the system, displaying the results of filtered searches in a table.

All default properties and any custom attributes created in the Administration module will be available as filter and column options, except for Attachment, Georeference, Image, Relationship (multiple selection), and Outline attributes.

You can save queries and run them later to view the most recent results. The display options selected will also be saved and do not need to be set again. This way, when you run a saved query, the query will be displayed as the last time it was saved.

People or groups can also be included in the audiences of these queries. Audience members and the authors of the queries will then be able to view them in the Queries section of the Home module as well as in the Dispatch solution if they have the adequate permissions. Note, however, that only the author of the query can edit or delete it.

In addition, you can create copies of the queries of which you are the author or an audience member, which can later be edited and run. This allows new queries to be created with the same configurations as a previously registered one. However, in the results of the copy, you will only be able to view data to which you have permission.