Creating and Editing Authoritative Documents and Cross-References

This topic explains how to use the authoritative document editor from the Knowledge module to create and edit authoritative documents and their requirements; select an audience for each; and create cross-references between requirements from two authoritative documents. The people or groups included in the audience of an authoritative document will be able to view them in the Documents tab from the Home module. Authoritative documents can be created from scratch, by copying an existing document, or through an import template. Note that they must be published before they are available for use in projects.

Also note that cross-references are only created in the system in the direction in which they are registered. In other words, if a cross-reference was created from "Authoritative Document 1" to "Authoritative Document 2", the reverse of this association ("Authoritative Document 2" -> "Authoritative Document 1") is not automatically registered. This is important to keep in mind when creating queries to view cross-references between documents, as only one-way results will be displayed. To avoid confusion, it may be helpful to register an opposite mapping for each cross-reference created.

Authoritative documents provided by Modulo can neither be edited directly, nor deleted. You can, however, create a copy of the document, make the necessary changes, and save it as a new document.