Procedure Repository

This section explains how to manage procedures, available in the Continuity module. Procedures are the detailed, more granular instructions that should be carried out. To allow procedures to be easily re-used in more than one plan, they must first be published in the repository so that they will be available for association with plans. Published procedures can be deleted but will remain associated with any published plans. They simply will no longer be available for association with new plans, and must be removed from any plans being edited that they were associated with. Note that when a procedure is deleted, all versions of it are also deleted.

Attributes can be created for procedures in the Administration module. All types of attributes are supported except for Outline and Relationship attributes, and follow the same publication rules for asset attributes. The order in which they appear can also be specified. These will be available beneath the general properties of each procedure. For details, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Objects and Attributes.

Each procedure has an ID generated automatically based on the client ID followed by 8 digits, and each procedure is automatically versioned.