Module Editor

This section explains how to create, edit, enable, and disable custom modules in the system.

Due to increasingly specific demands, it is essential for organizations to have optimized tools for managing their most important processes. Many solutions on the market consist of a set of standard features, many of which are not used because they do not meet the company's needs. The functions in Modulo Risk Manager can be extended through the creation of custom modules, which allow certain processes that are not supported by default to be managed.

Custom modules are system modules that can be customized according to your organization’s needs. Unlike default modules, custom modules allow sections to be created for them, which may contain external pages or areas for managing instances of previously registered custom objects.

Sections containing external pages can be used to integrate separate systems, such as the organization’s Intranet, with Modulo Risk Manager, allowing users to easily navigate between them. In sections created for custom objects, you can create, edit, and delete instances of a certain custom object, which must have been previously registered and published in the Objects and Attributes section of the Administration module. These instances can also be exported for offline editing and imported back to the system.

Once registered, sections can be organized into groupings. Note that up to twelve items (sections and groupings) can be created per module; however, more items can be enabled by contacting your account manager. The order in which these items appear in the module can also be configured through a simple drag-and-drop interface.

By default, up to five custom modules can be created per system installation. To enable the creation of additional custom modules, get in touch with your account manager.

The modules created can be enabled for display in the main system menu. A privilege is generated for each new module in the Authorization Policy section of the Administration module, allowing access to the module to be granted to one or more profiles. This privilege is granted automatically to the module author and members of the Global Administrators profile. However, it must be granted manually to other system profiles. Note that this privilege grants unlimited access to all features in the module. For details on granting permissions, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Access Control.

Note that custom modules cannot be deleted. However, they can be edited as needed or disabled so that they are not displayed in the system. Keep in mind that only users with permission to manage custom modules can create and edit them.

For details on accessing and using custom modules, see Chapter 18: Custom Modules.