Chapter 18: Custom Modules

This chapter explains how to use custom modules, which are additional system modules that can be configured according to your organization's needs.

By default, up to five custom modules can be created per installation, each of which can contain up to twelve items (sections and groups of sections). Creation of additional modules and items can be enabled by contacting your account manager. For details on creating and editing custom modules and their content, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Module Editor.

Custom modules currently support two types of sections: External Page and Custom Object. Sections containing an external page can be used to integrate separate systems, such as the organization’s Intranet, with Modulo Risk Manager, allowing users to easily navigate between them. In sections created for custom objects, you can create, edit, and delete instances of a certain custom object, which must have been previously registered and published in the Objects and Attributes section of the Administration module. These instances can also be exported for offline editing and imported back to the system. For details on managing custom objects, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Objects and Attributes.

Note that sections and groupings of sections are shown according to the display order set when editing the module.