This section explains the model adopted in the system for access control. This documentation is divided as follows:
• Access Control Concepts: presents the fundamental concepts used in the extended role-based access control model used in the system. This includes an introduction to the model, definition of terms used, as well as how permissions, privileges, profiles, and roles work in the authorization policy. The system will allows the default authorization model to be modified. We recommend that the concepts discussed in this section be studied before editing these default settings, which can be restored if necessary at any time.
• Authentication Policy: provides orientation on managing the authentication policy, including requirements for usernames and passwords when native authentication is used and settings for authentication via digital certificates.
• Manage Users: provides orientation on managing user accounts to access the system.
• Role Restrictions: provides orientation on how to create restriction lists, specifying which people or groups can be assigned to certain roles.
• Access Profiles: provides orientation on managing people and groups of people included in system access profiles and information regarding how to use and create custom access profiles.
• Authorization Policy: provides orientation on managing the authorization policy, specifying which permissions will be granted to each profile and role.
• Queries: provides orientation on managing access control queries, detailing the query types available and the applicable operations.
• Access Rules: provides orientation on managing access to tables and entries used in the Intelligence solution (on demand).