Event Queries

This section provides orientation on managing event queries through the Workflow module.

Queries are search mechanisms that allow detailed information on the objects registered in the system to be grouped into one place. In the Workflow module, there are three types of queries. In the first (Events), you can view detailed information on events, including their status, USR scores, coordinators, reviewers, event types, start dates, end dates, and others. In the second, event information is displayed consolidated by the assets they are associated with (Events by Asset) or by date (Events by Date). In the third (Event Progress), you can view information on the progress of events.

You can select the information that will be queried and define which columns will be displayed in the results. Any attributes created for events in the Administration module are available as filters and column options.

All queries can be saved and their results can be updated so that you can monitor the latest changes. Once saved, people and groups of people can be included in the audience of each query so that they can view it in the Home module and in this module, if they have permission to it. You can also assign people and groups as editors of a query so that they can both view it, as the audience members, and edit it.

In addition, you can create copies of the queries of which you are author, editor or an audience member, which can later be edited and run. This allows new queries to be created with the same settings as a previously registered one. However, in the results of the copy, you will only be able to view the data to which you have permission.

The results of event queries can be viewed through tables, treemaps, or maps, depending on the type of query. However, results can only be viewed through maps if a location was specified for at least one of the assets or events in the scope of the query and if the option to display maps was enabled in the Customizations section of the Administration module.

For Events and Events by Asset queries, the system will display 1,000 items in the results by default, both when creating the query and when running it, in order to optimize performance. You can choose to view more results if necessary, but keep in mind that the higher the number of results displayed, the longer it will take the system to process them.

Note that query results can be exported to SQL tables through an integration task. This allows them to be used to generate graphs and tables for use in reports created in Report Designer, and to create charts in the Dashboard module. For details, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Integrations -> Integration Tasks -> How to Create a Task to Export Queries to SQL Tables.

Keep in mind that only the author and editors of a query will be able to edit and delete it. If the author of a query is deleted from the system, the audience members will keep their permission to view the query, the editors will keep their permissions to copy, view, edit, and delete it, and the name of the author will be displayed with the tag "(deleted)" in the Author column. However, if there are no audience members or editors assigned when the author is deleted, the query will no longer be available in the system, except for inclusion in integration tasks.