Event Layouts

This section explains how to manage custom layouts created for event types. The system allows the layout of certain event types to be customized; both those provided by Modulo, as well as any custom types created in the Administration module. After selecting the event type for which you want to customize the layout, you can:

    Hide tabs displayed by default. If the Properties tab is hidden, values must be provided for its required fields. All fields in the hidden tabs, as well as the values entered for them, will remain visible in queries and on the main list of events, and can even be edited through workflow rules, the API, and the spreadsheet for editing events.

    Change the order in which the tabs appear. Note that the first tab in the layout must be either the Properties tab or a custom tab containing the same required fields. If this requirement is not met, values will have to be provided for the required fields in the layout. If these required fields were included in a custom tab and this tab is the first in the layout, any default values provided for its fields will be provided as suggestions when a user creates an event of the type selected.

    Create new tabs for the event. By default, only one custom tab can be created per event type. To enable additional tabs, get in touch with your account manager.

    Define which properties, attributes, and operations will be displayed in the new tabs. A maximum of 60 fields can be added to each tab. A single field can be included in more than one tab, in which case the value provided for it in one of the tabs will be automatically reflected in all other tabs in which that field appears.

    Create custom help texts for each tab and for each field included in a custom tab. A help icon is displayed next to the field when the event is being viewed, and on mouse-over the text entered will appear.

    Define the permissions system profiles and Workflow roles will have in each tab of an event type. These permissions determine whether or not a hidden tab will be visible to certain profiles and roles and, if displayed, whether its fields will be disabled or enabled for editing.


Permissions granted through the system authorization policy are always respected. When customizing a layout, you will only be able to restrict these permissions, not extend them. For example, a user assigned to the Involved role receives permission to update the progress of all events to which they were assigned, by default. When editing the layout of an event type, a manager could define that, in all events of the type, the Progress tab will be visible yet disabled for editing for those assigned as involved in the event. Thus, the user assigned to the Involved role will not be able to update the progress for events of the type. On the other hand, if the permission to update the progress of events is removed from the Involved role when editing the default system authorization policy, it will not be possible to grant viewing permissions to members of that role when editing the layout, as it is not granted by the default policy. In addition, if a tab is hidden, it will not be available for editing by any role or profile, even if they were granted access to it by default.

Note that these permissions are only valid when editing the event through the interface. Permissions from the default system authorization policy remain effective when managing events through workflow rules, the API, the list of events, and through the spreadsheet. Therefore, attributes included in custom event layout tabs will be displayed as column options in the main event list, regardless of the user permissions on each tab. If necessary, custom attributes can be disabled as columns in the event list in the Workflow module. For details, get in touch with the Support team.

Once a layout for an event type is created, it must be published for it to be available in the Workflow module. When editing a custom layout, the published layout is still displayed in the Workflow module until the new version is published. A custom layout can also be deleted so that the default layout for the event type can be restored.

Also keep in mind that custom layouts for Risk and Compliance events are only available in the Workflow module, and that no changes made to the layout will be reflected when creating events of either type through projects.