Dashboard Designer – User Manual

This document provides detailed information about Dashboard Designer, a program provided by Modulo to create and customize the dashboards used in the Data Analytics module.

Dashboard Designer is a dashboard-editing program that can use data from Modulo Risk Manager or SQL queries. The program offers a number of features for visually expressing data and allows this data to be organized in visual items - such as tables and charts in a dashboard – to better interpret them. Dashboards can be accessed and viewed in the Data Analytics module, where they become available after they are created.

Dashboard Designer was developed with the Dashboard component of Developer Express Inc. for WinForms and customized by Modulo. Therefore, this documentation covers the most commonly used features and those customized by Modulo, with the complete technical documentation provided by Developer Express at https://documentation.devexpress.com/#Dashboard/CustomDocument12049.

For quick instructions on how to install and access the application, see Dashboard Designer - Quick Guide. For details on the Data Analytics module, see Modulo Risk Manager User Manual -> Chapter 12: Data Analytics.