Overview of Dashboards

A dashboard is a set of visual items that organize data to streamline the analysis and interpretation of this data. Dashboards can contain charts, grids, pie charts, maps, images, filters, among other data visualization items that use data from one or more system or external sources.

Dashboard Designer is a program for creating and editing dashboards. Through it you can use all your creativity and customize dashboards by arranging the layout of visual items, including captions, colors, formulas, drill-down operations, and more.

Dashboards created through Dashboard Designer are displayed in the Data Analytics module, where users with the appropriate permissions can configure access to dashboards, share them with audience members, and export them to PDF files or images.

Dashboard Designer and the SQL database manager must be downloaded to your computer so that you can begin to create dashboards. To download the program and create dashboards, you must have permission to manage dashboards. For more details on how to install and use the features of Dashboard Designer, see Dashboard Designer - Quick Guide -> How to Install Dashboard Designer and SQL Database Manager.

The data used in a dashboard can be from a single data source or from multiple data sources. Two types of data sources can be included in dashboards:

• Queries from Modulo Risk Manager: any system queries to which you have access, with the exception of REST queries

• SQL queries: SQL queries that are registered in the Data Analytics module and directed to any SQL Server databases, which may or may not be the database of Modulo Risk Manager.

For more information on SQL queries from the Data Analytics module, see Modulo Risk Manager User Manual -> Chapter 12: Data Analytics -> SQL Queries.