Compliance Queries

This section provides orientation on managing queries in the Compliance module.

Queries are search mechanisms that allow detailed information on objects registered in the system to be grouped into one place. In the Compliance module, there are three types of queries: those to consolidate indicators, those that display interview statistics, and those that display compliance analysis results for cross-referenced requirements.

In consolidated queries, compliance indicators are always consolidated based on the Compliance Index and the Compliance Level for the answers provided to Compliance questions in interviews for the project in question. In this type of query, indicators can be consolidated by authoritative document, object, Compliance question, requirement, and by object/requirement pair.

In queries to interviews, one or more interviews can be selected so that general information on them can be viewed, such as their final answers and the number of responses provided. In queries to interview details, on the other hand, more detailed information on the interviews added to the scope is displayed in the results, such as the name of the interviewee and reviewer (if assigned), the object, the answers provided by interviewees, and the final answers provided by reviewers, as well as any files attached and comments provided.

Lastly, in cross-reference queries, you can view compliance metrics for requirements that were cross-referenced with other requirements that were analyzed in projects. This is useful for when you have similar requirements from various authoritative documents. Instead of creating a new project to analyze compliance with a document that is similar to one already analyzed, you can simply query the results for the cross-referenced requirements. However, the metrics displayed for requirements do not consider results for child requirements, and will only display compliance metrics for requirements analyzed directly through associated questions.

You can filter the information that will be queried and define which columns will be displayed in the results. People and groups of people can be included in the audiences of these queries so that they can view them in the Home module and in this module, if they have permission to it. You can also assign people and groups as editors of a query so that they can both view it, like the audience members, and edit it with the same permissions as the author. These phases are optional, however, and the query can be generated as soon as its scope has been selected. All queries can be saved and their results can be updated according to the latest updates made to the project being queried.

In addition, you can create copies of the queries of which you are author, editor or an audience member, which can later be edited and run. This allows new queries to be created with the same settings as a previously registered one. However, in the results of the copy, you will only be able to view the data to which you have permission.

Query results can be exported to SQL tables through an integration task. This allows them to be used to generate graphs and tables to be used in reports created in Report Designer, and to create charts in the Dashboard module. For details, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Integrations -> Integration Tasks -> How to Create a Task to Export Queries to SQL Tables.

Only the author and editors of a query will be able to edit and delete it. If the author of a query is deleted from the system, the audience members will keep their permission to view the query, the editors will keep their permissions to copy, view, edit, and delete it, and the name of the author will be displayed with the tag "(deleted)" in the Author column. However, if there are no audience members or editors assigned when the author is deleted, the query will no longer be available in the system, except for inclusion in integration tasks.

Keep in mind that compliance queries can only consolidate the results of one project at a time.