Policy Portal

This section provides information on how to access the policies you were assigned to review or approve, and those for which you were included in the audience.

If you were assigned as reviewer or approver of a policy and a revision workflow was started for it, a notification will appear in the Home module and you should receive an e-mail indicating the name of the policy and a link to access it. All policies for which it is your turn to review or approve will be listed in the My Revisions and My Approvals sections of the Policy Portal page, respectively.

When you select a policy you were assigned to review, a read-only version of it will load in the Preview tab, where you can accept it without making any changes. If corrections are necessary, you can access the Properties and Statements tabs to edit it. When finished, you can confirm the revision, which will allow the workflow to be completed or continued by the next reviewer or approver, if any were assigned. Note that any changes you make can be edited by the next reviewer and so on until the workflow is completed.

If you are an approver of the policy, a read-only version of it will be displayed when selected, which you can approve or reject. No modifications can be made to policies during the approval process. If you reject the policy, the revision workflow will be terminated, and those responsible for it will be notified. Otherwise, the next approver in line will receive the policy, and so on, until the last approver has confirmed approval, at which point the revision workflow will be complete and the policy will be ready for publishing.

Keep in mind that reviewers and approvers can provide comments when reviewing  or approving  a policy. All the comments provided during the revision workflow will be displayed in a list for each policy.

Policies can only be published once the revision workflow is complete, or if none was started. To publish a rejected policy, those with access to it must make the necessary changes and start a new workflow until the policy has been reviewed or approved.

Note that, as all revision workflows are sent to individual reviewers and approvers in sequential order, it is important that you respond to these requests promptly to ensure a streamlined process. If a reviewer or approver is deleted from the system after a revision workflow is started, the workflow will stop and you will no longer be able to edit or publish the policy. For details on managing policies and starting a revision workflow, see Chapter 7: Policy -> Manage Policies.

Keep in mind that the policies to which you were assigned will only be available in this section when it is your turn to review or approve them. Once you have confirmed your revision or approval, the policy will no longer be listed here. The full list of policies registered is available in the Manage Policies section, however only those with permission to view the policy may view it in this section.

If you were included in the audience of a published policy, a read-only version will be available under My Policies in the Policy Portal section, where you may read the policy and familiarize yourself with its content.