This topic explains how to sign in to the system.
If native authentication mode is being used, you can sign in to the system through the login page using the access credentials provided to you by your system administrator. The use of digital certificates may also have been enabled, in which case you can access the system once your digital certificate has been verified. Otherwise, the access credentials from your organization may be used to access the system if authentication was integrated with an external directory (for example, Active Directory). For details on configuring the authentication policy, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Access Control -> Authentication Policy. For details on configuring authentication using an external directory, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Integrations -> Integration Tasks -> Creating a Task to Integrate with an LDAP.
By default, the login timeout is set to 30 minutes plus the time configured in the web.config file for the system, but this may vary if federated authentication is used. This timeout can be configured in the Authentication Policy section of the Administration module. For details, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Access Control -> Authentication Policy -> How to Configure the System Authentication Policy.