Registering Aggregated Queries

This topic explains how to configure an IntegratedQuery node, used to register aggregated queries. Aggregated queries are configured by defining which DataSource elements (individual queries) will be executed within an IntegratedQuery set. For details on DataSource elements and how to configure them, see Appendix -> Configurations for Aggregated Queries -> Configuring Data Sources for Aggregated Queries. The IntegratedQuery node has the following XML structure:


<IntegratedQuery ID="AQ1" >

  <DisplayName>Aggregated Query 1</DisplayName>

  <BreadCrumbName>Query 1</BreadCrumbName>


    <Field ID="field1" DisplayName="Field 1" Type="Text">...</Field>



    <DataSource ID="ds1">...</DataSource>




Each IntegratedQuery node must contain the following required elements:

    ID: Unique identifier for the aggregated query, to be used throughout the entire configuration.

    DisplayName: Name to be displayed in the interface for the aggregated query.


The BreadCrumbName element is optional and indicates the name to be displayed in the breadcrumb for this query. If not defined, the value of the DisplayName will be used.

The DataSources set defines the associations between the individual queries and the aggregated query.