Configuring Data Sources for Aggregated Queries

This topic explains how to configure a DataSource node, used to register the individual queries that will be included in an aggregated query. These nodes have the following XML structure:


<DataSource ID="Individual Query ID" Type="Type of Datasource">

  <DisplayName>Query Name Displayed in Interface</DisplayName>


    <Arg Name="Name" Value="Value"/>



    <Field Name="Field 1 ID" DisplayName="Name of Field 1 in System"/>

    <Field Name="Field 2 ID" DisplayName=" Name of Field 2 in System"/>




Each DataSource node must contain the following required elements:

    ID: Unique identifier for the data source to be used throughout the configuration.

    Type: Identifies the type of data source being used. This attribute will define both the behavior of the data source, as well as the way in which the constructor arguments must be configured. Currently, the only types available are REST queries (value = RESTService) and Modulo Risk Manager API (value = RMAPI). For details on these types, see Appendix -> Configurations for Aggregated Queries -> Configuring Data Sources for Aggregated Queries -> How to Configure the Types of Data Sources.

    DisplayName: Defines the name to be used for the data source throughout the system interface.

    ConstructorArguments: Defines the constructor arguments, which are initialization parameters for the data source. Each constructor argument must be registered in an Arg node. In the Arg node, the Name attribute must be completed with the name of the argument, and a value must be provided for the Value attribute. For details on how to configure this set for each type of query, see Appendix -> Configurations for Aggregated Queries -> Configuring Data Sources for Aggregated Queries -> How to Configure the Types of Data Sources.

    OutputFields: Defines which data fields will be expected in the results of the query to the data source. Note that this node is only required if a customized template for displaying results was not defined when associating the data source with an aggregated query. For details on customized templates, see Appendix -> Configurations for Aggregated Queries -> Registering Aggregated Queries -> How to Customize the Template for Displaying Aggregated Query Results. Each field to be added must be registered in a Field node. The Name attribute must be completed with the name of the field in the JSON result of the query, and the DisplayName attribute with the title to be used for the field when viewing the aggregated query results.