
This topic explains how to configure the default settings for projects. Below is a list of the options available in the General and Justifications tabs of this section and an explanation of each.

    Risk Interviews and Compliance Interviews: Here you can configure finished interviews to be sent to their reviewers. In previous installations of the system, interviews were sent to reviewers manually, by default. In new installations, however, interviews are sent automatically once completed if a reviewer was assigned.

    Proof of Interview Completion and Responses: Here you can allow interviewees and reviewers to receive a list of the answers provided in the interview or a document with proof of interview completion, once the interview is finalized or reviewed. This option is disabled by default, in which case these documents cannot be downloaded through projects. The list of responses is a document displaying all the answers provided by interviewees and reviewers to the questions in a risk or compliance interview. The proof of interview completion, on the other hand, displays the name of the interview and of the interviewee or reviewer, as well as the date on which the interview was answered/reviewed.

    Manage Templates for Proof of Interview Completion and List of Responses: Here you can select the default templates for the proof of interview completion and list of responses provided in order to export and customize them. To customize these templates, Report Designer, a program provided by Modulo's support team, must be installed on your computer. In addition to the variables for the interview itself, any asset attributes will also be available as variables to display information on the assets related to the scope of the project. Once customized, the templates must be imported back to the system so that they can be used. Keep in mind that the default templates for each document can always be restored. For details on obtaining, installing, and using Report Designer, see Report Designer User Manual -> Report Designer – Quick Guide.

    Justifications: Here you can edit the justifications available for selection when accepting a non-implemented control, a vulnerability, or a non-compliant requirement. The default options provided by Modulo can be disabled or enabled, and new options can be created.