Manage People

This section provides orientation on how to register and manage people in the system, available through the Organization module.

The system allows people relevant to GRC processes to be registered for informational purposes, each of which can represent an employee, supplier, or service provider, among others. All people for which current email addresses have been registered in the system can receive notifications regarding actions of their interest, as well as answer or review risk and compliance interviews. There are people who can authenticate in the system to perform tasks in certain modules (such as leading projects, managing risks, or creating charts for dashboards). These people, who are referred to as "users", are given credentials through which they can sign into the system. All user accounts are managed in the Administration module. For details on managing system users, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Access Control -> Manage Users.

Note that people can either be registered in this section or created as assets in the Assets section of this module. The difference between people and person-type assets is that the risks in these assets can be analyzed in risk projects. Keep in mind that people and Person-type assets are independent objects in the system.

People can be created manually or they can be imported to the system either through an integration task with an external directory or through a spreadsheet. The Synchronized column in the list of people is used to indicate which people belong to a directory integrated with the system. For details on importing people from an external directory, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Integrations -> Integration Tasks -> Creating a Task to Integrate with an LDAP. For details on importing them through a spreadsheet, see Chapter 3: Organization -> Export/Import.

People can be included in one or more groups of people. For details, see Chapter 3: Organization -> People -> Manage Groups of People. All attributes created for people in the Objects and Attributes section of the Administration module will be available as column options in the main list. For more information on attribute creation, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Objects and Attributes -> How to Create an Attribute for an Object (except events).


Note: When the system is configured to use an external authentication service (for example, LDAP), not all the configuration options for managing user accounts will be available in the Administration module (their passwords cannot be generated or reset). Thus, people created in the Organization module can later become users, but they must also already exist in the directory service under the same username specified for them in the Administration module. They can then sign in using their account information from the directory service. Similarly, to create a new user when the system uses an external authentication service, the person must first have an account created for them in the directory service. The new user will then be imported to the system when the next integration task takes place. If native authentication is used, the people will only be imported and their passwords can be managed through the Administration module.