List Perimeters and Subperimeters

Returns a paginated list of perimeters registered in the organizational structure.











PerimeterCode: This parameter is provided in the URL and does not need to be sent through GET.

page: Number of the page to be displayed. Valid values: 1 to the maximum number of pages. If omitted, the value 1 is used. If the value is greater than the maximum number of pages, a blank list will be returned.

page_size: Number of items displayed per page. Valid values: 1 to 1,000. If omitted, the default value of 10 is used

filter: Query based on the OData protocol syntax for configuring filters. The fields supported are listed below. See the examples to view the operations allowed.

orderby: Orders the perimeters listed on the page by field. To order by more than one field, use a comma between the field names. For descending order, add the word "desc" for each desired field. The supported fields are listed below.



Guid Id;

string Name;

string Path;

string Description;

double? Longitude;

double? Latitude;

string GeolocationDescription;

string AdditionalInformation;

Guid ResponsibleId;

string ResponsibleName;

string ResponsibleEmail;

string ResponsiblePhone;


For detailed information on filters as supported operators, which filters apply to which data types, and more examples, see Appendix 3: Filters.

Currently, filters do not apply to the "CustomAttributes", "Managers", and "MappingCriteria" fields.



The first ten perimeters (by default, ten perimeters are listed at a time):



Perimeters 11 through 20 (second page):



Filter by latitude and longitude coordinates:

{RMUrl}/api/Organization/perimeters?$filter=(Latitude eq -21.82219) and (Longitude eq -41.658223)


Filter by "ResponsibleName" field equal to "Administrator":

{RMUrl}/api/Organization/perimeters?$filter= ResponsibleName eq 'Administrator'


Filter by "Marketing Department" in the "Path" field, returning the entire sub-tree:

{RMUrl}/api/organization/perimeters?$filter=startswith(Path,'Marketing Department')


List subperimeters contained in the perimeter whose name begins with "Department":




List of objects with information on the perimeters according to the filter and page size specified.



The OrganizationPerimeter object is in the following format:



Guid Id;

string Name;

string Path;

string Description;

double? Longitude;

double? Latitude;

string GeolocationDescription;

int ZoomLevel;

string AdditionalInformation;

object Responsible;

object[] Managers;

object[] MappingCriteria;

object CustomAttributes[];

object ParentPerimeter;



For more information on custom attributes, see Appendix 1: Attribute Types.





      "text":"Corporate website",


      "outline":["option 1","option 2","option 3"],










      "listofoptions":"2 – option2",



"multiplerelationship_group_attribute":[{"Id":"ec3db67d-f2e1-11e1-a23f-001ec91f4b0a","Caption":"Financial Dept"},{"Id":"f53181c7-f2e1-11e1-a23f-001ec91f4b0a","Caption":"Information Tech"},{"Id":"05475a88-f5fc-11e1-bf14-001ec91f4b0a","Caption":"Financial"},{"Id":"05475a8b-f5fc-11e1-bf14-001ec91f4b0a","Caption":"Human Resources"}]








      "Name":"John Smith",




      "Name":"Glenda Davidson Price",












   "Path":"Marketing Department > Advertisement",




      "Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000"






