Appendix 1: Attribute Types

This appendix provides information on completing custom attributes created for default and custom objects. These attributes may be of the following types:


string Link;

string E-mail;

string Text;

string Paragraph;

DateTime Date/Time;

double Number;

string Outline[];

string List of Options[];

object Attachment[];

object Image[]

object Relationship;

object GeoReference;

object Formula;


Attachment and Image attributes allow files to be attached and always have calls exclusively for adding, listing, and removing files.

GeoReference attributes include information on a geographic coordinate (Point) or a route (LineString). This attribute is not available for all objects. This attribute should be completed following the Longitude, Latitude order. Valid values for Longitude: -180 a 180. Valid values for Latitude: -90 a 90.

Relationship attributes associate a system object (person, group of people, asset, perimeter, business components, or a custom objects) with another system object. See Appendix 2: Format for Completing Attributes for details on how to complete these attributes.

Formula attributes have values that represent their status. These values are returned by the API when a call is made to an object that is associated with a published Formula attribute. The possible values are:

0 = OK

1 = Error

2 = NotEvaluated

3 = DivisionByZero

4 = InvalidFormula

5 = UndefinedValue

6 = AttributeNotFound


In the call for attribute metadata, the following fields are supported:



   string Name;

   string Description;

   string TypeName;

   string VariableName;

   string Format;

   string AllowedValues[];

   int? DecimalPlaces;

   string FieldMask;

   string FileTypes;

   int? MaxFileSize;

   int? MaxFiles;

   int? MaxLength;

   int? MaxValue;

   int? MinLength;

   int? MinValue;

   object RelatedObjectInfo;

   string AssetTypes;

   string BusinessComponentTypes;

   string Types[];

   string ReturnType;



Below is an explanation for each field:

Name: Attribute name.

Description: Attribute description.

TypeName: Type of attribute. Valid values: Attachment, BulletList, Email, Formula, Georeference, Image, Link, MultipleRelationships, Number, NumberedList, Paragraph, Text, DateOnly, TimeOnly, DateTime, SingleSelect e MultiSelect.

VariableName: Attribute variable.

Format: Data format supported by the attribute.

AllowedValues: List of allowed values for the List of Options attribute.

DecimalPlaces: Number of decimal places for values entered in Number attributes.

MaxValue: Maximum value supported by Number attributes.

MinValue: Minimum value supported by Number attributes.

FieldMask: Regular expression mask for the attribute's value. This field only applies to Text attributes.

MaxLength: Maximum number of characters supported by Text attributes.

MinLength: Minimum number of characters supported by Text attributes.

FileTypes: Types of files supported by Attachment attributes.

MaxFileSize: Maximum file size supported by Attachment attributes.

MaxFiles: Maximum number of files supported by Attachment attributes.

RelatedObjectInfo: Indicates the type of associated object.

AssetTypes: List of asset types for which the attribute is applicable. Present only in the list of asset attributes.

BusinessComponentTypes: List of business component types for which the attribute is applicable. Present only in the list of Business Component attributes.

Types: List of object types to which the attribute is applicable. Available only for custom objects, enterprise risks, and enterprise controls.

ReturnType: Indicates the output of the formula, in other words, the format of the value to be calculated. Possible values: "Text", "Number", or "DateTime".