Appendix 3: Filters

In a number of API calls, filters can be sent to Modulo Risk Manager so only information that meets the filter criteria is sent. Each API call has a set of specific filters for each type of property and attribute.

In calls that accept filters, the supported fields are available in the "FIELDS SUPPORTED BY FILTER" section. Note that, in some cases, objects can also be filtered by their custom attributes. In this case, the accepted attribute types will be listed in the "CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES SUPPORTED BY FILTER" section.

The filters follow the ODATA standard (

This appendix indicates the types of filters supported by the API for each data type: guid; string (or text); byte (or int); double (or float); and datetime.


The logical operators supported in the expression language are shown in the following table:





Logical and

Relevance eq 5 and Criticality eq 5


Logical or

Relevance eq 5 or Criticality eq 5

(  )

Precedence grouping

(Relevance eq 5 and Criticality eq 5) or (AnalysisFrequency eq 5)



    The $select and $expand parameters from the ODATA standard were not implemented.

    To use special characters such as "&" and apostrophes, see examples below:

To create a filter that contains "Modulo's" in the "Description" field, the apostrophe must be duplicated. For example: substringof('Modulo"s', Description).

To create a filter that contains "Proctor&Gamble" in the "Description" field, the “&” must be replaced by its hexadecimal coding, in this case %26. For example: substringof('Proctor'%26Gamble',Description).