List Assets

Returns a paginated list of the assets registered in the Organization module.



{RMUrl}/api/Organization/assets[?[[&]$filter=<filter>][[&]page=<Page>][[&]page_size=<PageSize>][[&]$orderby=<field1 [desc],field2 [desc]…fieldN [desc]>]]






page: Number of the page to be displayed. Valid values: 1 to the maximum number of pages. If omitted, the value 1 is used. If the value is greater than the maximum number of pages, a blank list will be returned.

page_size: Number of items displayed per page. Valid values: 1 to 1,000. If omitted, the default value of 10 is used

filter: Query based on the OData protocol syntax for configuring filters. The fields supported are listed below. See the examples to view the operations allowed.

orderby: Orders the assets listed on the page by field. To order by more than one field, use a comma between the field names. For descending order, add the word "desc" for each desired field. The supported fields are listed below.



Guid Id;

string Name;

string Description;

string AssetType;

byte AnalysisFrequency;

double Criticality;

byte Relevance;

DateTime? CreatedOn;

DateTime? UpdatedOn;

double? Latitude;

double? Longitude;

string GeolocationDescription;

int ZoomLevel;

string CreatedBy;

string UpdatedBy;

Guid ResponsibleId;

string ResponsibleName;

string ResponsiblePhone;

string ResponsibleEmail;

string Path;



Assets can be filtered by their custom attributes of the following types: Date/Time, Formula, E-mail, Link, List of Options, Number, Paragraph, Relationship, and Text.


Note: For detailed information on filters, supported operators, which filters apply to which data types, and more examples, see Appendix 3: Filters.



The first ten assets (by default, ten assets are listed at a time):



Assets 11 through 20 (second page):



Filter by "Relevance" field with a value equal to 2:

{RMUrl}/api/Organization/assets?$filter=Relevance eq 2


Filter by "AssetType" field equal to 'Person':

{RMUrl}/api/Organization/assets?$filter=AssetType eq 'Person'


Filter by a portion of a string in the "Name" field:

{RMUrl}/api/Organization/assets?$filter=substringof('Finance Dept.', Name)


Filter by "ResponsibleName" field equal to 'Administrator':

{RMUrl}/api/Organization/assets?$filter= ResponsibleName eq 'Administrator'


Filter by "Atlanta" in the "Path" field:



Filter by a Text attribute:

{RMUrl}/api/organization/assets/?$filter={AttributeName} eq '{AttributeName}'



List of objects with information on assets, according to the filters and page size specified.



The OrganizationAsset object is in the following format:



Guid Id;

string Name;

string Description;

string AssetType;

byte AnalysisFrequency;

double Criticality;

byte Relevance;

object BusinessComponents;

DateTime? CreatedOn;

DateTime? UpdatedOn;

double? Latitude;

double? Longitude;

string GeolocationDescription;

int ZoomLevel;

string CreatedBy;

string UpdatedBy;

object Responsible;

string Path;

object Components[];

object CustomAttributes[];

object CollectionParameters;

object MappingCriteria;

object ParentPerimeter;



The CollectionParameters are in the following format:

HostAdress (Optional): Address of the asset to be collected.

Credentials (Optional): Credentials used to access the target machine.

CollectorServer (Optional): Collector server used to manage the collection.


For more information on custom attributes, see Appendix 1: Attribute Types.







"BusinessComponents":["Tactical > Organizational System > Marketing","Tactical > Organizational System > Finances"],




"Description":"COBIT process from Finance Dept.",






"Name":"COBIT Process",


"Responsible":{"Id":"cc45b704-b3d5-11e0-8b69-001ec91f4b0a","Name":"John Smith","Email":"","Phone":null},



"Path":"Audit Process > Internal Processes > COBIT Processes",


{"Id":"00d6dccf-1a9c-11e1-b470-0800270094a6","Name":"CEOs Computer - MS Office 2007 POR","Description":"description 1"},

{"Id":"cb2dd770-1cdc-11e1-af79-0800270094a6","Name":"CEOs Computer - Skype ","Description":"description 2"},

{"Id":"005cd280-1cde-11e1-af79-0800270094b9","Name":"CEOs Computer - MS Windows 7 Ultimate","Description":"description 3"}





      "outline":["option 1","option 2","option 3"],



     "attachment":[{"Description":"Budget spreadsheet",





      "listofoptions":["1 - ed"],



   "Caption":"Malicious code action"},



   "Caption":"Marketing > Meeting Room"},



   "Caption":"Processing Environment - Data Center"},



         "Caption":"Time of Last System Startup"},

      "multiplerelationship_group_attribute":[{"Id":"ec3db67d-f2e1-11e1-a23f-001ec91f4b0a","Caption":"Finance Dept"},{"Id":"f53181c7-f2e1-11e1-a23f-001ec91f4b0a","Caption":"Information Tech"},{"Id":"05475a88-f5fc-11e1-bf14-001ec91f4b0a","Caption":"Financial"},{"Id":"05475a8b-f5fc-11e1-bf14-001ec91f4b0a","Caption":"Human Resources"}]









"Name":"Windows Server",



"Name":"John Smith","Email":"”,"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0291"},



"Path":"Marketing Dept. > Windows Server"


{"Id":"55d6dccf-1a9c-11e1-b470-0800270094a6","Name":"Windows Server - MS IIS7","Description":"example description"},

{"Id":"ee5cd280-1cde-11e1-af79-0800270094b9","Name":"Windows Server - MS Windows 2008 Server","Description":"example description"}



      "text":"Corporate site",


      "outline":["option 1","option 2","option 3"],









      "listofoptions":["1 - ed"],








