Integration Map

This topic provides orientation on using the integration map, which allows pre-configured layers containing query results or custom maps to be displayed on a map. In certain system installations, additional layers displaying lists of scheduled events from the Events solution are provided by Modulo.

All layers are created in an XML file located in the installation folder for the system, after which they will be available in this section. This file can be exported for editing and imported back to the system. For details on how to configure the file, see Appendix -> Layers for the Integration Map.

Also through this section, you can select the map type to be displayed; locate an address on the map (on-demand integration); listen to recordings of calls that have gone through a telecommunications network integrated with the system (on-demand integration); access the chat feature (on-demand integration); send SMS messages (on-demand integration); draw and manage shapes to be shown on the map; view live or recorded video feeds (on-demand integration); and access any other available windows.