Importing a Knowledge Base

This topic explains how to use the knowledge base editor from the Knowledge module to import a knowledge base.

In addition to creating a new knowledge base directly in the system, knowledge bases can also be created by importing them from a spreadsheet template. You can also export an existing knowledge base to this same format, edit it, and import the modifications back to the system. For details, see Chapter 8: Knowledge -> Risk Knowledge -> Knowledge Bases -> How to Create a Knowledge Base through a Template and Chapter 8: Knowledge -> Risk Knowledge -> Knowledge Bases -> Exporting a Knowledge Base.

For technology knowledge bases, an XML file containing OVAL Definitions can be imported along with the knowledge base itself. All that needs to be done next is associate each OVAL Definition with a control.

The system is compatible with Center for Internet Security(CIS) collection scripts. While most collectors from Modulo include the collection configuration parameters in the OVAL code file itself, CIS separates the parameters into a XCCDF code file that must also be imported with the file containing the OVAL code. For more details about OVAL Definitions, see Chapter 8: Knowledge -> Risk Knowledge -> Creating and Editing Knowledge Bases and Controls -> How to Import and Associate OVAL Definitions.