Display Options

This section provides orientation on managing the default display options for the system, which will apply to all system users. Some of these options can be configured for individual accounts in the Preferences section of the Home module. Here you can set the default interface language, change the default number of items to display per page in system lists, hide or display graphs, hide or display maps, hide or display certain tabs for objects, change the system logo, and set the theme for the interface. Below are details on each:

    Language: Changing the default language here will change it for all system users and will show as the default option in the Preferences section of the Home module. The following content will be affected:

Interface elements: system tab names, menus, sub-menus, content, or the text presented on the pages.

Help texts: field and page help texts.

Footer pages: Privacy Policy, Term of Use, and the Security Statement.

User manual: valid for both English and Portuguese.

It’s important to understand that changing the language only affects some interface elements, but does not change the database contents at all. Some interface elements (such as the organization logo and the application icon images) remain unchanged when a new language is selected.

As for the database content, it’s important to distinguish custom content (created by the organization) from content provided by Modulo. Any custom content (such as surveys, threats, knowledge bases, and authoritative documents registered by the organization using the editors provided by the application) can be created in any language regardless of the interface language. However, content provided by Modulo (all the knowledge provided with the installation or imported, the report templates, etc.) will be presented in the language selected when the system is installed.

    Maximum Page Size: Here you can decide how many entries will be displayed by default in the various lists throughout the system. Note that for sections displaying a large number of entries, it’s easier to use the filters provided above each column or the advanced filter provided in the bottom left corner of these lists.

Note: When over 100 items are selected in a list in Internet Explorer 8, an error message may appear indicating that the action selected for the elements is slowing down the browser and asks if you want to stop the script. To disable this message, click Start in the Windows taskbar, enter “regedit” in the Search field, and hit Enter. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Internet Explorer -> Styles. Right-click the window to the side and select New. Add the DWORD Value named “MaxScriptStatements”, select “Hexadecimal”, and enter “ffffffff”. When finished, restart IE.

    Graphs: A number of sections in the system provide graphs with statistics and useful information. The Compliance Projects section, for instance, shows two pie charts for compliance projects by status and by duration. These can be hidden or displayed to all system users by default and, if hidden, can be viewed by clicking its name.

    Maps: This setting allows you to show or hide maps for asset, perimeter, and event locations, as well as query results. The setting selected here will apply to all system users, and they will not be able to configure this for their accounts individually. Note that the map and address search providers are configured in the web.config file located in the system installation folder.

    Vulnerabilities Tab for Perimeters: This setting allows you to show or hide the Vulnerabilities tab for perimeters in the Organization module. Consolidated information on vulnerabilities for technology assets detected by scanners that have been integrated with the system or manually imported through spreadsheets can be displayed for perimeters. If perimeters do not contain technology assets or if no vulnerabilities were mapped to them, there will be no information to display. In this case, this tab can be hidden. Users will not be able to configure this for their accounts individually.

    System Logo: This setting allows you to change the logo displayed throughout the system, as well as in the login screen, in interviews, and in questionnaires. The file imported must be in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or BMP format, and its dimensions can be no larger than 770 x 300 pixels. In addition, the size of the file can be no greater than 1024KB.

    Themes: This setting allows the appearance of system pages to be customized.