
This section provides orientation on using the treemap available in the Workflow module to create event queries.

The Organization, Risk, Compliance, and Workflow modules include search mechanisms that allow queries to be run. In addition to queries in table and map format, the Workflow module also includes the option to view query results through a treemap. A treemap displays boxes of different sizes and colors. In this case, each box represents a specific event, and the criteria determining its color and size can be selected. Unlike other queries, the treemap allows you to view details on each event and the general relationships between these different events, according to the filters and indicators selected.

The size of each box will depend on the indicator selected (USR, urgency, severity, relevance, or value). The larger the box, the greater the value of the indicator and vice-versa. The color of each box varies according to a second indicator selected. The treemap is arranged diagonally in descending value, from top-left to lower-right. An event in the upper left corner would then have the highest value for the indicator selected, while the event in the lower right corner would have the lowest value.

Note that only events to which you have access to will be displayed in the treemap.