
This section provides orientation on managing surveys through the Knowledge module.

There are three types of surveys: generic surveys, risk surveys, and compliance surveys. Generic surveys allow properties and attributes of assets and business components to be updated based on the responses provided to the questions. Risk and compliance surveys play an important role in projects, allowing information on the risks and non-compliances in the organization to be collected and automatically processed.

Once surveys are published in the Knowledge module, they are used to generate interviews in the Organization, Risk, and Compliance modules. A number of risk and compliance surveys are provided by Modulo to be used freely in projects, but these can neither be edited nor deleted. You can, however, create copies of these surveys, which can then be edited. Custom surveys can also be created in the Knowledge module either from scratch or by copying an existing survey, and custom risk and compliance surveys can also be created based on knowledge bases and authoritative documents, respectively.


Note: All surveys have an ID comprised of three to six alphanumeric characters (generated by the support team during system installation), a period, and an additional eight numeric digits, generated sequentially as surveys are created.

The first six digits are used to identify the origin of the survey, and can be viewed in the Information section of the Administration module. IDs for surveys provided by Modulo always begin with MOD_EN. IDs for surveys from ABC Company, Inc., for example, could begin with ABC01. The last set of characters is used to uniquely identify the survey.