
This section provides orientation on managing your preferences, available through the Home module. The Preferences section of the Home module shows the interface display options that can be configured based according to your needs. The configurations you set here only apply to your account. The default settings for all system users are configured in the Administration module in the Display Options section.

In this section, you can set the interface language, change the number of items to display per page in system lists, hide or display graphs, and change your account photo. Below are details on each:

    Languages: When you change the language through the Home module, the following content is affected only for your account:

Interface elements: system tab names, menus, sub-menus, content, or the text presented on the pages.

Help texts: field and page help texts.

Footer pages: Privacy Policy, Term of Use, and the Security Statement.

User manual: valid for both English and Portuguese.

Content stored in the database and the login page is not affected by switching the interface language. Some parts of certain reports are loaded with tables that are from the database and will not be affected. Generally, what you can configure in the system (such as names for scales or graphs) is stored in the database and will not be affected by changing the interface language.

    Maximum Page Size: Here you can decide how many entries will be displayed in the various lists throughout the system. For sections displaying a large number of entries, it’s easier to use the filters provided above each column or the advanced filter provided in the bottom left corner of these lists.

Note: When over 100 items are selected in a list in Internet Explorer versions 8 through 10, an error message may appear indicating that the action selected for the objects is slowing down the browser and asks if you want to stop the script. To disable this message, click Start in the Windows taskbar, enter "regedit" in the Search field, and hit Enter. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Internet Explorer -> Styles. Right-click the window to the side and select New. Add the DWORD Value named "MaxScriptStatements", select Hexadecimal, and enter "ffffffff". When finished, restart IE 8.

    Graphs: A number of sections in the system provide graphs with statistics and useful information. The Compliance Projects section, for instance, shows two pie charts for compliance projects by status and by duration. These can be hidden or displayed and, if hidden, can be viewed by clicking its name.

    Change Image: You can upload or change the photo for your user account in the system. This photo may be in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or BMP format, and its size cannot exceed 1024 KB. It can also be changed through the Manage People section in the Organization module.