How to Set Your Preferences

1.    Access the Home module.

2.    Select Preferences from the menu.


The system displays a screen where you can set your preferences (see figure below).



3.    Under Languages, select between English, Portuguese, or Spanish. You can also choose to use the language set by the system administrator by marking the Use system default checkbox.

4.    Under Maximum Page Size, decide how many entries will be displayed in the various lists throughout the system. You can also choose to use the default set by the system administrator by marking the Use system default checkbox.

5.    Under Graphs, decide whether or not graphs will be displayed above lists in certain sections of the system. You can also choose to use the default set by the system administrator by marking the Use system default checkbox.

6.    Under Change Image, click Browse and select a photo to be displayed with your account information. Click Delete to remove this image.

7.    When finished, click Apply Settings.


The system displays a success message.