Modulo Questionnaires (iOS)

This section explains how to use the Modulo Questionnaires app through an iPhone or iPad. This application is useful if, for instance, you need to go on-site to answer a certain control and do not have access to the internet or to the Modulo Risk Manager system application.

Modulo Questionnaires for iOS uses the system API and, therefore, must be registered as an authorized application in the Authorized Applications section of the Administration module. The P, S, and R attributes will always be displayed to users, with the P and S attributes being editable, whereas the R is a read-only attribute. Users with valid credentials can download and access the app, and access to it cannot be restricted according to the device being used.

It is important to note that Modulo Questionnaires runs normally on iPhone devices running iOS versions 10 through 11, including the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 plus. Higher versions may be compatible but have not been tested. The app is also supported by the iPad, but only in compatibility mode (iPhone version expanded for iPad screen). In addition, by default, it will run in HTTPS if a valid digital certificate is installed in the IIS server. Self-signed certificates will not suffice in this case.

To use this app, an existing installation of Modulo Risk Manager is required. The Modulo Questionnaires app can only be downloaded through a mobile device or through iTunes. Nonetheless, if iTunes is used to download the application, it must be synchronized with the mobile device for the application to be installed. Also note that you must have or create an Apple ID to download the application.