Message Service

This section provides orientation on configuring the parameters used by the system to send e-mails. This service must be configured before message templates can be edited in the Customizations section of this module.

E-mail delivery through a computer network is normally done using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). This protocol is part of the Internet Protocol Suite, and may be used by client-server applications in IP networks (for further details, please see RFC 2821 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). The address and communications port of the server that will deliver the message must be configured in the application so that the system can use the e-mail service. With spam on the rise, certain SMTP servers are also configured to require authentication from the message sender. Also note that a secure SMTP connection can be used to protect the content sent in messages.

This process can be better understood through the summary shown in the figure below. In the system, the e-mail delivery configurations are global and will be used by all system modules and solutions that require the e-mail service.