List Risk Projects

Returns a paginated list of the risk projects registered in the system.









page: Number of the page to be displayed. Valid values: 1 to the maximum number of pages. If omitted, the value 1 is used. If the value is greater than the maximum number of pages, a blank list will be returned.

page_size: Number of items displayed per page. Valid values: 1 to 1,000. If omitted, the default value of 10 is used

filter: Query based on the OData protocol syntax for configuring filters. The fields supported are listed below. See the examples to view the operations allowed.

orderby: Orders the projects listed on the page by field. To order by more than one field, use a comma between the field names. For descending order, add the word "desc" to each field. The supported fields are listed below.



string Code;

string Name;

string Description;

string AdditionalInformation;

int StatusCode;

datetime CreatedOn;

datetime UpdatedOn;

datetime ClosedOn;

datetime AnalysisStart;

datetime AnalysisEnd;

guid LeaderId;

string LeaderName;

string LeaderPhone;

string LeaderEmail;

string SubstituteLeaderId;

string SubstituteLeaderName;

string SubstituteLeaderEmail;

guid AuthorId;

string AuthorName;

string AuthorPhone;

string AuthorEmail;

datetime StartDate;

datetime EndDate;

datetime ExpectedStartDate;

datetime ExpectedEndDate;


The StatusCode field indicates the status of the project, and may contain the following values: 0 for "Open", 1 for "Closed", or 2 for "Cancelled".

For detailed information on filters as supported operators, which filters apply to which data types, and more examples, see Appendix 3: Filters.



The first ten projects (by default, ten projects are listed at a time):



Projects 11 through 20 (second page)



Filter by "Risk" in the "Name" field:




List of objects with information on the projects according to the filter and page size specified.



The RiskProject object is in the following format:



string Code;

string Name;

string Description;

string AdditionalInformation;

string Status;

int StatusCode;

datetime CreatedOn;

datetime UpdatedOn;

datetime ClosedOn;

datetime AnalysisStart;

datetime AnalysisEnd;

object Author;

object Leader;

object SubstituteLeader;

datetime StartDate;

datetime EndDate;

datetime ExpectedStartDate;

datetime ExpectedEndDate;





"Name":"Risk in Assets 2012",



"Name":"John Smith",

"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000",






"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000",





"Name":"Alice Brown",



"Description":"This project was created to evaluate risks in the organization's assets throughout the year of 2012.",

"AdditionalInformation":"Project started by Carl Rone.",














"Name":"Risk in Assets 2011",




"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000",






"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000",



"Description":"This project was used to analyze risks in the organization's assets in 2011.",

"AdditionalInformation":"This project was cancelled with the manager's authorization.",












